Jolanta Marzec

 Papers, preprints

  1. Construction of Poincaré-type series by generating kernels, with Y. Kara, M. Kumari, K. Maurischat, A. Mocanu, L. Smajlović.
    Submitted to the Proceedings of the Women in Numbers Europe 3 Conference. arXiv
  2. Maass relations for Saito-Kurokawa lifts of higher levels. To appear in the Ramanujan Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s11139-020-00250-5. arXiv
  3. Algebraicity of special L-values attached to Siegel-Jacobi modular forms, with T. Bouganis (submitted). arXiv
    A previous version was the 2nd part of a longer article On the standard L-function attached to Siegel-Jacobi modular forms of higher index, arXiv
  4. On the analytic properties of the standard L-function attached to Siegel-Jacobi modular forms, with T. Bouganis.
    Documenta Mathematica 24 (2019), pp. 2613-2684, DOI: 10.25537/DM.2019V24.2613-2684. Available here.
    A previous version was the 1st part of a longer article On the standard L-function attached to Siegel-Jacobi modular forms of higher index, arXiv
  5. Non-vanishing of fundamental Fourier coefficients of paramodular forms,
    Journal of Number Theory, 182 (2018), pp. 311-324, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnt.2017.07.002. arXiv
  6. PhD thesis On Bessel models for GSp4 and Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms of degree 2.[pdf

 Talks and slides

  1. Slides from the talk in IMPAN, 22.06.2020: Maass relations for Saito-Kurokawa lifts of higher levels. [pdf
  2. YouTube recording of a talk during Zetas Summer School 2018: L-functions attached to Jacobi forms of higher index.